General information


1st- 3rd July, 2015  (Seimas Palace, Buildings 2 and 3, Gediminas ave. 53)

4th - 5th July, 2015 - IFIP TC3 meeting (Seimas Palace, Buildings 2 (Room: Baltijos Asamblėjos salė), Gediminas ave. 53)


The conference will be held in the Parliament (Seimas) of the Republic of Lithuania and hosted by the Vilnius University.

Gedimino pr. 53, LT-01109 Vilnius, Lithuania.

Virtual tour in the Seimas Palace 

NOTE: Identification document is required to enter the Parliament.

A New Culture of Learning: Computing and Next Generations 

IFIP TC3 education has a tradition of organising exciting conferences which stimulate discussion, foster the exchange of ideas and knowledge, and generate more informed understanding of the issues of Informatics and ICT in education.

This is a Working Conference focusing on developing new directions on teaching and learning, ICT and Informatics in secondary and higher education in an increasingly globalized world.

More than 30 years ago computers first entered our schools. What have we achieved since those euphoric days? Has our concept of education changed and its quality improved? Can we use the lessons of the past to prepare for the future?

Where the world is becoming more and more interdependent and complex, where technology and informatics are changing the society and where we see rapid developments in subject areas of humanities, science, mathematics, arts, etc.


The goal of the conference is to bring together teachers, researchers, administrators, involved in teaching ICT and computing or using ICT in teaching and learning. The location of the conference will contribute highly to the exchange of good and bad experiences (from the past) and thus promote future egalitarian developments on various educational fronts.

We also invite doctoral students, newly qualified teachers and young people to contribute their perspectives.

Conference Themes

Themes of the conference include:

  1.  New approaches to learning (collaboration, informalisation, personalisation of learning)
    • Distance education
    • E-learning
    • Flipped classrooms
    • Gamification
    • MOOCs
    • Digital traces and assessment 
  2. Challenges for teachers/learners and other stakeholders
    • National curricula and approaches to establishment of Informatics in schools
    • Digital literacy
    • Digital Fluency
    • Digital media education
    • Informatics teacher training and competencies
    • Computational thinking
    • Computing for all 
  3. Promoting and supporting Informatics education
    • The contribution of Informatics to a solid general education
    • Approaches for creative learning in Informatics
    • The practice of teaching Informatics
    • Informatics education research
    • The use of technology in Informatics teaching and learning
    • Exams in Informatics and assessing Informatics competencies
    • Informatics topics in schools beyond programming and algorithms 
  4. Researching educational change
    • Methodological challenges and solutions
    • Theoretical perspectives
    • Building knowledge
    • Identifying research priorities